hey the last post was from jun!!! wow now its almost october!
Hell Ive even been lazy with youtube.
But not to worry I feel like doing it again. Plus I have no money to go out so being a hermmit makes me have more time to make vids.
Anyway a quick update. summers over duhhh but summer was great.
Went to Prague with a friend and stayed in this amazing hostel calles St tobys. in the basement they have a pub wich is a great meeting place so my travel facebook friends have expend imensly.
I def recommend prague its such a great city and the people are real friendly.
Also I've selected to be in the party commity at work witch is real fun.
We already had our first party.
I must say I though it would be all fun and play boy I was wrong. being in the commity actually means organising and setting up wich is a lot of work! but the other commity colleagues are so cool (there actually also the people I'll hang out with outside work.
Here's our promotion picture: we send this picture as an invitation (was 80's & 90's party)

So now's the time to loose the weight.
I'm finally ready and serious to go on a diet and I'm happy to say I already los 6,5 Kg witch is: 14 pounds VS and 1 stone UK